The original wallpaper image is untouched and you can switch back to it anytime. Just in case you are worried, the application makes a copy of your wallpaper and puts it into a separate folder. The color picker is a standard one, and you can choose any color you want. You can choose a color or use the Random button, and then click the Apply button to change the taskbar color. There’s really not very much to using the application-simply download it, extract it into a folder somewhere, and then launch it. Reader Grant Prudlow took the initiative to make the whole process even easier, and created an application that can automate the whole process-it’s an impressive little application that works perfectly.
The trick we used in the first article was to add a swipe of color to the bottom of your wallpaper, which then shows through the Aero transparency and makes your taskbar change color without having to change the entire theme.
We recently showed you how to change the Windows 7 taskbar color to anything you want without any software running in the background, and now we’ve got an even easier way for you to do it with a single click.